Well it’s safe to say 2020 was a crazy year for everyone, and when it comes to the furniture industry it’s been even crazier.
Following lockdown, 2020 saw furniture sales rise by 300%! As a result, lead times were pushed back as far as 6 months.
Now that 2020 is behind us it’s a great opportunity to allow comfort and serenity into our homes.
From rustic, sustainable design to bold statement pieces, here are 5 predictions for 2021:

Lastly but perhaps the most divided of all…
‘Granny Chic’ aka Grandmillenial style will be huge in 2021.
Quirky. Kitsch. Vintage.
Fabulous floral wallpapers and crazy carpets. Antique furniture and that welcoming scent of your grandmothers home-cooking. It’s back! Whether you go all out and create a timewarp or simply blend timeless treasures with contemporary – Granny Chic is IN.
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